Login Assistance
If you have already begun an application:
Please click on the Login/Register link (in top right corner of page) and use your Novell login and password - the ones you use to log in to any Hamline campus computer or the Hamline wireless network. You will find your started applications on the landing page.
If you have not begun an application:
If you know what program you wish to participate in, please go to the program brochure page and click on the "Apply Now" button. When it asks if you are a registered Hamline user, click "yes" and then log in using your Novell login and password - the ones you use to log in to any Hamline campus computer or the Hamline wireless network. This will take you through a number of question pages to your program application.
If you do not know what program you wish to participate in but would like to create a StudioAbroad Profile, please click on the Login/Register link (in top right corner of page) and use your Novell login and password - the ones you use to log in to any Hamline campus computer or the Hamline wireless network. You will find yourself on a landing page that will not list any programs, but you can save programs you are interested in to your profile. To begin a program application, please log in through the Login/Register page, then navigate to your selected program using the search features and click the "Apply Now" button.
Please click on the Login/Register link (in top right corner of page) and use your Novell login and password - the ones you use to log in to any Hamline campus computer or the Hamline wireless network. You will find your started applications on the landing page.
If you have not begun an application:
If you know what program you wish to participate in, please go to the program brochure page and click on the "Apply Now" button. When it asks if you are a registered Hamline user, click "yes" and then log in using your Novell login and password - the ones you use to log in to any Hamline campus computer or the Hamline wireless network. This will take you through a number of question pages to your program application.
If you do not know what program you wish to participate in but would like to create a StudioAbroad Profile, please click on the Login/Register link (in top right corner of page) and use your Novell login and password - the ones you use to log in to any Hamline campus computer or the Hamline wireless network. You will find yourself on a landing page that will not list any programs, but you can save programs you are interested in to your profile. To begin a program application, please log in through the Login/Register page, then navigate to your selected program using the search features and click the "Apply Now" button.